Ceremonial Cacao Starter Kit
Ceremonial Cacao Starter Kit
Ceremonial Cacao Starter Kit

Choose from three starter kits that includes ceremonial cacao and a frother! 

From $ 42.00

Ceremonial Cacao Uganda
Ceremonial Cacao, Organic, 100% Semuliki Forest, Uganda, 8oz Flakes
Ceremonial Cacao, Organic, 100% Semuliki Forest, Uganda, 8oz Flakes

Bean-to-bar craft produced at our shop in Vermont, with single-origin, organic, Ugandan cacao. 10...

From $ 18.50

Ceremonial Cacao, Organic, 100% Semuliki Forest, Uganda 5lb Flakes
Cacao Recipes
Ceremonial Cacao Article
Cacao Morning Energizer

Your Daily Dose of Cacao Love Daily cacao consumption is linked to numerous health benefits and ...

Ceremonial Cacao Drink Iced Cacao Drink Decadent Chocolate Squares

There are many ways you can experience a cacao ceremony, explore the various methods of hosting your own cacao ceremony.

A collection of resources we have made to help guide you along your journey of discovering all that ceremonial cacao has to offer. 

Consume Cacao

Daily Cacao Smoothie

A morning breakfast on the go

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Ceremonial Cacao Drink

The full dose for when you have a couple o...

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Ceremonial Cacao Drink

The full dose for when you have a couple o...

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